Macaulay Culkin Refuses to Do His "Home Alone" Face

 MACAULAY CULKIN is 37, and he doesn't do many interviews . . . but he was on "Ellen" yesterday to promote a podcast that he's doing. Naturally, he was asked about "Home Alone", because he still looks like he did when he was 10 . . . and he hasn't done much since he was a child actor . . . except walking around New York City smoking cigarettes and being in some sort of weird pizza-themed band.

He talked about his days as a child actor . . . but said he doesn't indulge in much of it.  He recently did a commentary track for "Home Alone" . . . and it was the first time he'd seen the movie in 15 years. He joked that he doesn't go outside much during the holidays because it's "Macaulay season."  And he said "everybody" wants him to do the "Home Alone" face . . . with his hands on his cheeks . . . but he always refuses.

( And here's another clip where Ellen shows him an old photo of himself with the Fresh Prince, Steve Urkel, and Doogie Howser, and he called it the most '90s photo he's ever seen.  It's at the 2:50 mark.) 

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