A bunch of special needs students at a high school in Florida didn't have dates to their prom this weekend. So some local COPS stepped in to help. One of their teachers is a woman named Sandi Harris. Her husband Scott is a retired cop with the Boynton Beach Police Department. (Boynton Beach is on the east coast, about 60 miles north of Miami.)
He got a bunch of cops to step in and be their dates. So every special needs kid who wanted to go to prom had someone to go with. All the kids got to dress up in their prom gear . . . got corsages and boutonnieres . . . and the cops went in their uniforms.
The police department posted a few videos on Twitter of them dancing. Including one where one of the kids REALLY gets into it, and a bunch of classmates start cheering him on.
(Here's the video of the kid dancing at :16, plus two more videos.)
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