Is 9 Years Old Too Young for a Tattoo?

Getting a tattoo in Arizona at 9 is legal with parent consent. Last year, a 9 year old went into a tattoo shop with her parents who allowed her to get a tattoo. It gets better. She initially wanted Donald Trump tattooed on her neck of all places, but tattoo artist, known as "cutzsosa" on Instagram, convinced her to get the American flag on her arm instead. He told her if she still wanted the Trump tattoo after a year she could come back in for it. Now I personally am covered in tattoos, including one on my neck, and have a 9 year old daughter myself. I would NEVER allow her to get any sort of permanent ink, especially a political figure ON HER NECK.

However that raises the question, at what age is it okay to get a tattoo? I got my first tattoo when I was 20 of my daughter's name. She's 19 now and told her I would take her to get her first tattoo at a reputable place from a licensed professional once she is ready. Her dad is completely against it until she is able to afford living on her own and has a stable job. Personally, I think it's okay to get one once they are able to afford it and it should be hidden, not in a place where it's hard to hide like your neck or hands, and it should be small, (smaller than a deck of cards). I know how teenagers are and the more you tell them no when they really want something, especially once they are driving and doing their own thing, the more likely I fear they'll go to some friend's garage to get inked and get infected.

So what age do you think it is okay to get a tattoo? Do you have any tattoos and if so, how old were you when you first got yours?

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