Amber Banda

Amber Banda

Amber Banda is a native El Pasoan, mother, wife, biker, dancer, and child advocate. She rides a Harley and is well known in the biker community. She...Full Bio


Apps I can't Live Without

Technology is what you make of it. This is to include smart phone apps, that can give your life entertainment or work value, or just simply overtake your life! Here are my top 5 apps:

1-Instagram-I use this app mostly for work and non-profit pages. A huge part of my work with iHeart is posting about various events and businesses, and it's one of the main ways people communicate and find out information nowadays. Part of my work also includes building my brand and posting about myself, which the gram is very helpful with. I also use it to promote the non-profit I'm in, Guardians of the Children. Safe to say I manage at least 6 social media pages on Instagram and Facebook.

2-Facebook-Same reason as number 1

3-Loseit! app: I use this to track my calories and protein. I use it daily. I've been open before about my issues with anorexia, and although I have come extremely far in my recovery, I still have some unhealthy habits. While for most people tracking their food intake is a healthy habit, for me it is more of an obsession. So, this app remains in my top 5 because without it, I would go crazy or just write everything down that I eat like I used to. I still have not kicked this habit, although I've tried.

4-Notepad app: If I need something from the grocery store, need to make a Dr's appointment, need to remind my husband of that thing he did 5 months ago that ticked me off, I use this app. I love being able to check things off of it, and there's a few things that have been on that list for a few months that I'll get around to eventually, like washing my motorcycle.

5-Calendar app: Without it, I would lose my mind. This is how I keep track of what interviews are airing on what days for the community program that I produce, when to meet people at the station, when I have a radio remote or event, when people's birthdays are, when my anniversary is, etc.

There it is! It was really hard to narrow it down to 5 because really I have about 20 apps that I use. If you had to narrow it down to just 5 apps, what would yours be? Use the talk-back feature on the free iHeart app or find me on social media and let me know!

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